Monday, May 7, 2007


Because Ryan's dumb, I guess I'll need to say real things... so why not start with explaining why I hardly ever do homework!

7:40 - 8:38: Period 1/McCollum/Sleepy time
8:44 - 9:47: Period 2/P.E./Do the minimum required amount of physical activity
9:47 - 9:57: Nutrition/Nutrition
10:03 - 11:01: Period 3/Bio/THUMB TWIDDLIN' TIME!
11:07 - 12:05: Period 4/English/Watch boring outdated movies that are remakes of some book
12:05 - 12:47: Lunch/Beg Chris for money/SOMEtimes do period 5 homework/Kick Ryan's backpack when he is at club meetings/Steal Chris' wallet
12:53 - 1:51: Period 5/Geography/Uhhh...
1:57 - 2:55: Period 6/French/Depression!/Math Homework Time!
3:15 - 3:45: Shh... "Full House" is on!/Milk!
3:46 - 4:50: Wii Time!
4:51 - 8:00: Interenet, and by internet, I mean Minesweeper.
8:01 - 9:00: T.V good...
9:01 - 9:02: Should I do my homework? Nah...
9:03 - 9:50: Shower
9:51 - 11:00: Reading, and by reading, I mean Mineseeper
11:00 - 6:14: Sleep
6:14 - 6:48: Lie in bed and pretend I'm asleep
6:49 - 7:15: Morning things...
7:20: Annoy Ryan by asking him for McCollum homework.

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